Thursday, February 26, 2009



Turns out MARTA was not as exciting as I expected. It felt a lot like the subway when I went to New York last year...except it wasn't nearly as crowded and people were friendly. It was on my list though so I am excited about accomplishing this task anyway.

The trek on MARTA was actually on the way to my very first visit to see Supercross with some friends and to take my little boy for his birthday (the big 5). We got a pit pass, he got a fake tattoo, way too much cotton candy and a cool shirt & hat. It was an adventure just like everything else has been up to this point.

Watching the races got me excited to go on a motorcycle, which is another task on my list.

After the long MARTA ride back (we got separated from one of our friends. that was hilarious!), we dropped another friend of mine back at her car near her house and headed back to my ex-husband's house. I hated to hand the lil' guy off to his dad that night but I was so thankful that dad was willing to exchange a little of his time for this birthday present.

It also reminds me how lucky I am to have such a great relationship with my ex. We have come such a long way from where things used to be. Little occurrences like these remind me to thank God for all that He has done in my life to get to this point. I used to pray for God to soften my ex's heart so we could have a civil conversation. In the process, I know that He has softened my heart so my ex and I can work better together for our children. When I hear other people in the same position I am in but without the relationship with their ex that I have with mine, I cannot help but feel sad. I cannot help but feel blessed for what I have. I cannot help but thank God repeatedly for giving this to me.


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